Лондон 19 век фотографии

Some old pictures of London
 St Bartholomew's The Great and Cloth Fair.Smithfield.1880

Drury Lane.Covent Garden.1880
View in Drury Lane looking south and showing the St Mary le Strand steeple.A 134 foot tall Maypole was erected on the site of the church in 1661 which Alfred Marks describes in 'Photographs of Old London'.He also notes the gabled house in this view was formerly the "Cock and Magpie" tavern "a place of entertainment in the reign of Henry VII."

Wych Street.Covent Garden(?).1880
"These are very good specimens of the overhanging houses of the beginning of the seventeenth century.It is only to be regretted that the extreme narrowness of the street made it impossible to give the full effect of this picturesque group" writes Alfred Marks.He goes on to inform us that Dr.Johnson worshipped at St.Clement Danes Church which can be seen behind the old houses.


Gray's Inn Lane.Holborn.1880

Temple Bar.City.1880
"The photograph shows the west side of Temple Bar as it was a short time before its demolition shored up with timber to counteract the effects of the excavations for the New Law Courts...The Bar as we saw it till it was replaced by the 'Memorial' and its famous 'Griffin' was built from Wren's designs in 1670...The statues on the west side shown in our photograph were of Charles I and Charles II in Roman habits."

Barnard's Inn Hall.Holborn.1880
"The Hall is said to have been built not later than 1450 but as we now see it it has of course undergone much alteration.It is remarkable as having preserved its louvre of lead of the time of Henry VIII in its original condition.This is one of the few still remaining.Even after halls were furnished with fireplaces in the side walls the practice was continued of kindling a fire on a hearth of tile or brick in the centre of the room letting the smoke escape by a hole in the roof over which was an erection to keep out the rain with open sides - the louvre."

Inner Courtyard Barnard's Inn.

Barnard's Inn The Fetter Lane Front.

Bermondsey Street.Bermondsey.1880
"One cannot help speculating as to the origin of this singular group of houses with their eight gables.Mr.Rendle who was good enough to take pains - unfortunately fruitless - to glean something for me about the history of these houses tells me that in the early part of this century houses of this type were exceedingly common in the main thoroughfares and bye places of Southwark.They are good specimens of the houses of the time of Elizabeth and somewhat later;the frame of massive timber, else mere shells of lath and plaster;but though often out of shape and leaning in all directions wonderfully durable."

White Hart Inn Yard.Borough.1880
"The introduction of the railways has greatly changed the character of these old inns.The 'George' alone seems now to do any considerable business in the 'receipt of travellers';in other cases the business of a tavern has superseded that of an inn and the great courtyards are either being gradually encroached on by warehouses or have been taken up by railway companies as receiving offices."

Queen's Head Inn Yard.Borough.1880

St Mary Overy's Dock.Southwark.1880
"'The Dock'says Mr.Rendle (p. 203),'exists in the very earliest maps.... It was generally neglected and a nuisance and must have been very much larger than we have known it to be.'None of the houses shown in the photograph are of any great age but altogether this is a quaint and intersting nook of old London.The flat-headed doorway to the spectator's left adjoining one with a round head is little as it looks like it a busy thoroughfare for pedestrians unless a low swing-door is to be understood as reserving private rights.The passage turning to the left through the houses leads to Clink Street."

No 73 Cheapside.City.1880

College Street.City.1880

The Oxford Arms Inn Warwick Lane.City.1875

Saracens Head Yard.Aldgate.1880


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